20 Side Effects Of Hydroquinone You Didn’t Know

Side Effects Of Hydroquinone

Some side effects of hydroquinone includes cancer, liver damage and kidney failure. Apart from these life threatening consequences, they are other common ones people experience without even realizing the cause while using it.

Hydroquinone is a very potent and aromatic organic compound that is a type of phenol, a derivative of benzene, having the chemical formula C₆H₄(OH)₂. It has merits and demerit.

HQ is the leading cause of kidney diseases in females as it is carried all over the body through our blood. These side effects can be caused by either prolong use, abuse or being allergic to it.

HQ is genotoxic and can induce DNA damage in blood cells. It is also transported to the bone marrow where it is converted to benzoquinone.

Some of these side effects of hydroquinone are permanent and you will spend the rest of your life trying to get rid of them. So if I were you, I will quickly test my cream or lotion to see if it contains this HQ or any other bleaching agent.

Here are 20 side effects of hydroquinone you didn’t know about and maybe suffering from.

1: It thins the skin
2: It gives eczema
3: It gives redness
4: It causes sunburn
5: It gives green veins
6: It gives white spots
7: It gives dark elbows
8: It causes ochronosis
9: It gives discoloration
10: It gives dark knuckles
11: It gives stretch marks
12: It makes the palm red
13: It causes acne breakout
14: It makes the skin sensitive
15: It gives dark knees and feet
16: Permanent corneal damage
17: It causes dark circles under eyes
18: It gives a pale looking complexion
19: It makes the fingernails discolored
20: It causes in-between the fingers to be white

So If I were you, I will quickly check if any of my skincare products contains HQ by using any of these sure 8 methods to detect hydroquinone.

You should also check out;

20 side effects of hydroquinone
How to know a bleaching cream

Where To Buy Original Creams:

You can buy original products from trusted vendors online either on Jumia or on Konga.

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