Clear Therapy Cream Review: How To Know Original

CT+ Clear Therapy Cream

CT+ Clear Therapy Cream is a milk formula specially designed for pigmentation problems. It is a skin lightening lotion that unifies your skin tone and gives you a flawless and beautiful complexion. It also exfoliates dead skin cells and makes your skin smooth, bright and radiant.

I got to know about this lotion when an aunty of mine who lives in the village came to visit and live with us for some time. As we were talking one day, she told me about a friend of hers who now lives in the city but came home recently and she couldn’t recognize her former classmate.

She said the lady who was chocolate skin like her during their secondary school days is now very fair and her complexion was glowing. She jokingly asked the old friend the secret of her beautiful skin and the lady didn’t hesitate to tell her it was ct plus lightening cream and soap.

My aunty started looking for this cream but couldn’t find it anywhere in the village and so she was hopeful that she would get it when she visit us. I assured her that there’s no cream she cannot find here, as long as she can afford it.

So I took her to the supermarket where I buy my skincare products the next day and immediately I looked at the shelf where all creams are being displayed; my eyes caught the ct+ clear therapy cream and I called her attention to it instantly.

She bought the lotion and we went home. She now gave me her old cream which was the same as mine because she couldn’t wait to start using the clear therapy lotion. My aunty immediately started using the cream the next day morning.

In about 10 days of using it, she became fair and her skin was smoother. In just 1 month of using this cream, she was already 3 shades lighter and everyone was asking her what she was using.

The lotion got finished and she hurriedly went to the supermarket to purchase the cream without informing me or asking me to go with her. The attendant who sold it to her convinced her to buy it with the serum and soap for better result.

She concurred and bought everything as told. She came home and immediately she mixed the whole serum with the cream without even telling me to at least hear my own opinion. She also started using it with the soap that very night.

Unfortunately; In two weeks, she started having stretch marks, green veins, dark knuckles and white patches all over her body. Her feet became dark and her legs were uneven. Everyday she woke up to a new skin problem and the ones that were already there were getting worse.

That was when she now came to me and started complaining that she doesn’t know what’s going on with her body, that she no longer understands the new clear therapy lotion and why it is now giving her all these side effects all of a sudden.

I then advised my aunty to call her friend, since she also uses the same cream and would know better. She now called the friend and put it on loudspeaker for me to hear their conversation.

The friend picked up the call almost immediately and after they exchanged pleasantries, she now narrated what she was going through to her. The lady told her that she has been using this same cream with the soap for the past six months and she has not experienced side effects till date.

That maybe she mixed it with something or got the fake one that’s why it’s reacting badly to her skin. It was at this point that my aunty admitted to her friend that she had mixed the second one with the serum of the lotion to get better result as recommended by the seller who sold it to her.

The friend got angry on hearing this and she raised her voice at her. She continued by asking my aunty if she had told her that she mixed her own cream with any serum or whatsoever oil. She immediately ended the call in anger and my aunty became sad and even more confused on what to do because she was hoping the friend would propel some solution to her problems.

I now told her to calm down and not worry about it, that I would make research about the cream and get back to her with solutions to the side effects. I gave her back her old cream and asked her to discontinue the ct+ clear therapy for now.

From my research I found out that the people who mixed the ct+ clear therapy cream with oil, gel or serum either from their brand or some other company brand experienced side effects.

But those people who used the cream alone all testified that it is wonderful and works very well in lightening of the skin, clearing sunburns, acne scars, dark spots and even hyperpigmentation.

So as you can see, the fault is actually from my aunty. The clear therapy cream is already very potent on it own. So when you mix it with the serum, it becomes too strong for the skin and that is when all these side effects comes in.

I highly recommend ct+ clear therapy cream to anyone who wants to lighten their skin and also those suffering from hyperpigmentation and any other skin problems. It is a good cream if used in moderation and away from direct sunshine.

You can also try clinic clear cream, bb clear cream or nano extra white lotion as alternative.

Clear Therapy Lotion Ingredients:

Purified Water, Hydroquinone Max 2%, Glycerin, Allantoin, Kojic Acid, Stearic Acid, Fruit Acids (AHA), Carrot Oil, Silicon Oil, Liquid Petroleum, Petroleum Jelly, BHT, Lorol C16, Lorol C18 and Parfum.

Ct+ Cream Side Effects:

1: It gives some people sunburns
2: It gives some people dark feets
3: It gives some people dark knuckles
4: It gives some people stretch marks
5: It gives some people white patches
6: It gives some people multi color skin

Types Of Clear Therapy Cream:

CT+ Clear Therapy Cream

1: The white colour – The main ingredient in this one is hydroquinone.

2: The orange colour – The main ingredient in this one is carrot oil.

3: The brown colour – The main ingredient in this one is argan oil and honey.

4: The red colour – The main ingredient in this one is glutathione and vitamin C.

Is Clear Therapy a Bleaching Cream?

Yes, it is a bleaching cream.

Does Clear Therapy Cream Contain Hydroquinone?

Yes, it contains hydroquinone.

How Good Is Clear Therapy Lotion:

It is a really good cream that would clear your skin and make your complexion very beautiful.

How To Use Clear Therapy Lotion:

Pump out some amount of the lotion on your palm and gently massage it all over your body until it is completely absorbed into your skin.

How To Know Original Clear Therapy Cream:

Clear Therapy Cream

The original ct plus therapy lotion is made by DREAM COSMETICS in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire while the fake is produced by Angel cosmetics.

Always check the back of the container to see the name of the manufacturer before buying it.

Clear Therapy Cream Price In Nigeria:

It cost N3000 in markets and cosmetics shops.

34 thoughts on “Clear Therapy Cream Review: How To Know Original”

    • Wash hands after applying your cream , that’s what am using for the past 5years and everyone is saying my skin is glowing

  1. Have been using d cream for like a year nw ND I really like d work on me. It actually makes me look flawless nd glowing people mixing cream self always ask of d product I use. “My street name is nw yellow”.

  2. I discontinued the ct+ plus cream since it brings white patches on my face. I didnt use it with any other than the cream alone. I will never use any cream again.

    • I will advise that you avoid using your creams on your face next time ..body creams ain’t meant to be used on the face , cause the skin on the face is too sensitive .. you can buy a vitamin c face cream and use during the day , and can use vitamin E capsules content on your face @ night.. you can get a good toner too .. hopefully this helps

    • Hmm it best u don’t use any body lotion on your face …it not good
      Buy cream that’s specifically for the face which is face cream or mosturizer (like simple moisturizer or Dr Rashel face cream)

  3. I have been using ct clear therapy with carrot oil for the past 3 months and it’s really amazing, I introduced it to my man who is fair but had dark patch on his face and pimples but right now he is fairer with a clear skin. I really love this cream but I don’t want to be too white so I dilluted the current one I bought with water and it reduced the effect and proud of my skin’s uniformity, for those having dark and hard knuckles apply the credit on the knuckles 3 times daily. I used to have dark knuckles be but now am flawless.😍😘


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