Clinic Clear Cream Review: What Nobody Is Telling You

Clinic Clear Whitening Cream

Clinic Clear Whitening Cream is a very effective lotion that lightens and brightens your skin tone in a short period of time. It is made by the same company that makes dodo white up body lotion.

I personally found out about this clinic clear lotion the day I went to the market to buy my cream and couldn’t find it. The last shop I went to, the seller told me to stop wasting my time looking for it because it is no longer available.

He said I should opt for something else, that there are better creams he could recommend for me. I said okay, he should bring them let me see. He brought 5 different creams and I realized that I have heard about the clinic clear lotion before.

I looked at their ingredients and then I finally picked the clinic clear body cream am familiar with and paid him. My lotion was still remaining, so I used it until it finished a week later before I started using the clinic clear whitening cream.

I had some much expectation from it because I was having dark spots and stretch marks all over my body. I thought it would clear them and lighten up my skin complexion but I was wrong.

This cream didn’t make any effect on me at all. Like I used the cream until it got finished and I didn’t notice any change on my body. No impact was made on my skin, be it good or bad. I didn’t get any side effects, nothing, no difference at all.

Before using this cream, I was even scared because of what I heard about it. I heard it was a bleaching cream that would whiten your skin. So I was even thinking of not using it everyday, so that I don’t get white. But there was no change on my body till I finished using the clinic clear.

This prompted me to quickly go online and make some research about clinic clear body lotion to know if it has two types, or if I got the fake one and also to see what other people have to say about the cream and their experience using it.

According to the reviews I saw online; Clinic clear whitening cream lightens the skin very fast but starts to give you white spots, stretch marks, pimples and dark knuckles later on. This lotion also gave terrible sunburns to those people who used it on their face and went under sunlight.

Only two ladies said that the cream didn’t have any effect on them just like me. Neither did it lighten their skin nor gave them any side effects. So I believe me and the other two women got the fake one because every other person at least agreed that it lightened their skin complexion.

Some other people also said it gave them skin discoloration but the most common side effect of clinic clear body cream is the white spots. Almost all the reviewers complained about it.

The people who bought the complete range of it which includes the lotion, cream, oil, tube cream and soap got better result and less side effects. So I will advice you to buy the complete set of clinic clear body lotion to get maximum result.

So as you can see, it kinda works differently for everybody. The result you get from using clinic clear whitening cream is determined by your skin type and how you use it. So you can buy it and find out for yourself. Just make sure to stay away from sunlight to prevent adverse effect.

You can also try bb clear cream, fair and white cream or carotone body lotion as alternative.

Clinic Clear Cream Ingredients:

Demineralized Water, Petrolium Jelly, Stearic Acid, Kojic Acid, Citric Acid, Mineral Oil, Coconut Oil, Carrot Oil, Cetiol, Parabens, Sodium Sulfit, Ethyl Diglycol, Sorbitol, HN white, BHT, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, C16-C18 and Fragrance.

Clinic Clear Cream Side Effects:

1: It gives some people pimples
2: It gives some people sunburns
3: It gives some people white spots
4: It gives some people stretch marks
5: It gives some people dark knuckles

Is Clinic Clear a Bleaching Cream?

Yes, it is a bleaching cream.

Does Clinic Clear Cream Contain Hydroquinone?

No, it doesn’t contain hydroquinone.

How Good Is Clinic Clear Lotion:

It is a really good cream that would clear your skin and make your complexion very beautiful.

How To Use Clinic Clear Lotion:

Pump out some amount of the lotion on your palm and gently massage it all over your body until it is completely absorbed into your skin.

Clinic Clear Cream Price In Nigeria:

The small size cost N1000 while the big size is N1800 in supermarkets and cosmetics shops.

14 thoughts on “Clinic Clear Cream Review: What Nobody Is Telling You”

  1. I really appreciate the honesty in this review! It’s refreshing to see a comprehensive breakdown of both the positives and negatives of Clinic Clear Cream. I’ve been hesitant to try it due to mixed reviews, but your insights have definitely helped clarify things for me. Thank you!

    • Clinic clear gave me results in four days. I had a beautiful and glowing skin until i noticed eczema and red spots on my face.

    • Clinic clear producers are to be sued cause it gives stretch mark ,white patches that you will deal with for the rest of your life so please don’t use clinic clear is a bad product please guys is a no for me it’s product will damage your skin

  2. I tried the cc soap & cream they work fine with my skin but when i tried the cc oil oh my skin started to get a reaction so I discontinued the oil but continue with the soap n cream. But will try the lotion

    • That cream is rubbish indeed, imagine I got one around last year December not knowing they’ve pour Dodo inside and this cream only work for few days

  3. Clear clinic left me with pimples all over the face …l had black spot which took long to finish ….l hate the oil… I regret why l bought it


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