Bronze Tone Cream Review

Bronze Tone Fade Milk

Bronze Tone Fade Milk Cream is a moisturizing lotion formulated with cocoa butter and honey extracts to hydrate and nourish your skin. It is produced in Abidjan, by a company Np Gandour.

I personally found out about bronze tone lotion when the song brown skin girl started trending. Everyone started talking about the cream as if it was used in the marketing of this popular song.

I am light skin but the hype was too much that I wanted to have an experience of what it feels like to be caramel skin. I didn’t mind if the cream was going to darken me as I was simply ready.

I and two of my younger sisters decided to try the cream at the same time and compare the result. One of them is dark and the other is chocolate while I am fair skin in complexion.

The 3 of us used this cream consistently with the soap and face cream for over a month and this is my honest review of bronze tone cream without beating around the bush. Let’s begin!

Sincerely, this cream didn’t do anything for me. It was just moisturizing my body and smoothening my skin, nothing more or less. I didn’t experience side effects nor did it lighten my skin in any way.

As for my sister who is chocolate skin; bronze tone lotion toned her skin and gave her a creamy glowing caramel skin tone. Her skin was very shiny, luminous, flawless and looking beautiful.

But for my other sister who is dark in color; bronze tone fade milk cream kind of lightened her skin unevenly, making it look like she has eczema. The cream also gave her dark knuckles.

So the conclusion of this comprehensive review is that; bronze tone lotion is specially made for caramel skin people who wants to brighten up their complexion and tone their skin gradually.

It doesn’t work for fair skin people and it lightens dark skin people and makes it look like they are bleaching their body. This cream is very good for chocolate people but problematic for other skin.

I highly recommend this bronze tone fade milk cream for chocolate skin people who wants to tone and brighten up their complexion gradually. It really works if you are able to get the original.

Bronze tone soap and bronze tone face cream are also good products from the same company.

Bronze Tone Cream Ingredients:

Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Cocoa Butter, Citric Acid and Honey Extracts.

Bronze Tone Cream Side Effects:

1: It gives some people rashes
2: It gives some people pimples
3: It gives some people eczema
4: It gives some people sunburns
5: It gives some people green veins
6: It gives some people stretch marks
7: It gives some people dark knuckles
8: It gives some people discoloration

Is Bronze Tone a Bleaching Cream?

No, it is not a bleaching cream.

Does Bronze Tone Contain Hydroquinone?

No, it doesn’t contain hydroquinone.

How Good Is Bronze Tone Lotion:

It is a good cream that tones the skin gradually and brighten up your complexion in a short time.

How To Use Bronze Tone Lotion:

Pump out some amount of the lotion on your palm and gently massage it all over your body until it is all completely absorbed into your skin.

How To Know Original Bronze Tone Cream:

The company logo on the original bronze tone is sky blue in color while the fake is brown in color.

Bronze Tone Cream Price In Nigeria:

It cost N2800 in markets and cosmetics shops.

18 thoughts on “Bronze Tone Cream Review”

  1. I used the creame, it was very fine on my skin at first. After some months it began to tone my dark skin, also have me under arm stretch mark that has refused to clear till date. 🥲

  2. i love the cream,very good for my brown skin ,it only when you buy the fake one you experience all dose problems

  3. It working fine for me too, but suddenly it gives me eczema ND lighten my dark skin a little bt I didn’t stop. So d eczema is fading itself now

  4. Honestly seeing people reviews made me understand the eczema and stretch marks I always wondered how I just got them.
    In truth it tunes caramel skin and makes ur skin glow but the sun burn and other reactions are too much😭😭.
    Please I have stopped using it for a while and am in search of a nice cream to use.
    Please any help or pick of any other Cream like Bronze tone.
    Please Share 🤲

      • DES lotion?? I seriously don’t know the cream tho and for real I miss bronzetonze couz have stopped using it😥😩
        Funny truth is I haven’t seen another cream like it.
        Any recommendations about any nice cream to use that can give all the benefits bronze tone has?
        Please help out

  5. It’s true for caramel skin. I used it and I glowed so much,everyone wanted to know what I was using till the dark knuckles started. I stopped for a while cos I hate dark knuckles, went back to it nd it started giving rashes and eczema. So I stopped all together. Quite sad cos I enjoyed that glow nd nothing else seems to work for me now but still scared to go back to it

    • That means you dont get the complete set, when you buy bronze tone lotion, you need to buy the bsc, face oil, face cream, soap and shower gel. Use soap in the morning and shower gel in the night. Then only face cream also in the night and face and cream and oil in the morning. Apply bsc to all the black spots… Av been using the products for years now, and my skin is always the same. No spot, no rashes.

  6. Hi am light in complextion and am finding it really hard to find a cream that will be good for my complextion what cream should i use to make me fairer i really need a cream that i can settle down for cause i’ve tried different creams most.thanks

  7. I used it and it didn’t go well with my skin. It gave me pimples and eczema at the same time. I used to be fresh but not anymore.


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